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Aelita Beta Skin

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-10-06 00:10:00
5 просмотров
readme also says, the skin does look rather cartoonish - but apparently that\'s intentional, and it does explain why the robes are colored soft pink and dull yellow. The PFHC01 head has also been given pink hair and pink eyes. A bug this has, though, is that the robe reskin applies to all female characters wearing brown Jedi robes. If you don\'t mind them in pink, however, it shouldn\'t be an issue. And if it is, apparently it\'s going to get fixed in the next version. Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Emperor Devon
From what the readme says all you need to know is that this replaces the PFHC01 head with Aelita. Having no idea what/who the latter is myself, I\'m inclined to disagree with the author. :p As the
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