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Female PFHC01 Head Reskins

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-04-26 00:04:00
4 просмотра
selections and this time she’s got work done on one of the more popular heads; the first female Caucasian head selection. This time the author has expanded on the re-skin of this popular head which she has provided three different versions to try out. One of the head selections will provide black hair and blue eyes. Another optional skin variant will give you brown hair and green eyes. The last option will give you red hair and green eyes. Each head selection comes with their own custom portraits. I’ve noticed the author likes to put the full dark side transition on the first transition which is the same one throughout the dark side transformation. The only thing I would do different would be to have the Sith eyes show up on the third transition. I’m a believer that you really have to embrace the dark side for the physical signs to show up. Besides that, I love the work by Darth Jaden. Enjoy! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
The re-skinning work of Darth Jaden continues and we get to reap the rewards of her masterful hard work the first [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] game. She’s back with working on the head
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