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PFHC01 Reskin

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-04-18 00:04:00
5 просмотров
thought, I put off uploading files for a day to let the network techs fix that first. Anyway, on with the review. It’s pretty simple when starting your [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] up. You go to a character selection screen and you see six different head selections on three different classes; three of them female, three of them male; you have a total of 30 heads to choose from. Later you get bored of all of your favorite heads and you want something new; either it being a brand new head to select or a new skin is made for that exact head. Now you hit this link and here is another head skin for a popular head; the PFHC01 or also known as the first female Caucasian head selection. This time LeaNikkaya is back with a new skin to change that popular head selection. This time we had a redheaded version of this head. If you like the quick and easy path, you will notice that your dark side changes give you more tattoos as you fall from grace while your hair gets redder and your lips get darker while have those traditional BioWare style zombie type changes. This mod does come with its own custom portraits to go along with the changes. The author used Tatooine as a background and didn’t edit it out while you can see the shadow of the head which does take away from the quality from my point of view. That is one area I would think that needs to be worked on. Enjoy the new skin! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
So here we go again. We had a day where the recent uploaded files didn’t show up all over the FileFront network and I figured that if I were to upload a mod, who’s going to see it? Because of that
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