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Vao Reskin

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-03-27 00:03:00
4 просмотра
give you the feel of what’s been changed. If you didn’t read my last review of the original release, here is what I think of Mission. [quote]When I think of Mission, I think of good intensions, but also a rebel. Of course what do you expect from a teenager? Yes, she’s a teenager for those who didn’t catch that in their play through. To disappoint further for those who hope she’s still a legal teenager, she’s fourteen years old. Again, what do you expect from a teenager? Quick temper, rebellious, thinks they know it all, yep that is a teenager. Not all teenagers. Some are very well behaved, but for other teenagers that’s a common attitude.[/quote]So now we go to making Mission with red colored skin, changing it from her default color of blue to make sure look more like a rebel. Now, I liked the idea (SithRevan does come up with some good ones) of the red colored skin on Mission, but I had a hang up from the last mod. [quote]It’s a bright red. At that shade really sticks out with Mission’s default clothing. This type of shade of red needs to be worn with some dark clothing to look good.[/quote]So the author took my advice and went with the darker clothing and the author went with the best choice in this situation and that’s black. I saw the screenshots of Mission with the black clothing and underwear and I must saw it’s exactly what I visualized when I thought about what would make this new skin better. I also had another suggestion too. [quote]I would also change Mission’s brother’s (Griff) color to the same shade because that way they look like they’re still related.[/quote]Of course the author did just that. Now they look like brother and sister again. Much improvement with this update. I’m sure this will now appeal to potential downloaders. Good job! Keep up the good work and we hope to see more of the author’s come reality for us to download. :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
SithRevan brings us his updated version of his red colored version of Mission Vao for the original [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] game. I will quote myself from time to time in this review to
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