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Realistic NPC Portrait Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-03-30 00:03:00
9 просмотров
making these games graphically better I just get so excited about it. Now with all of these cool new types of mods like portrait mods and complete revamps of the GUI in the game I will get to see just that mod often. Anyway though lets get into the review as this one is pretty cool. Well everyone I stand corrected, jcoolZombie, one of our newer members has done some thing that I thought I would never again see in a million years. He has created custom NPC portraits like the ones Shem came out with only a couple days ago. These new portraits are a little different though as they do not use colored backgrounds; instead they use a the Tatooine desert and sky to give off a certain two tone background. This mod also come equipped with a portrait for the \"[i]Caucasian Mission Mod[/i]\" that RedHawke made, so all of you out there who have that mod need not worry about using these with it.:D So really though, jcoolZombie, this is a very cool and I personally think you did a great job on.;) So now everyone who just can\'t wait to get their hands on this little treasure... have at it... and as always... enjoy.:D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -SithRevan
When I look at KotOR I&II I see opportunity, not just from the enhancements I and millions of other people can do to it; but from a graphic stand point as well. So when I see mods that deal with
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