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Bastila's Revelation Robes

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-07-27 00:07:00
9 просмотров
has brought us a masterpiece of a mod. This one gives new robes for Bastila. Also in this mod, Bastila can become a blonde. That is optional if you want it. Just put the blonde files in if you want her hair color to change. The appeal about this mod is the textures. These are masterfully done, thanks to Svosh’s help. Bastila now looks sexy. Just look at the screenshots to see for yourself. This mod also comes with a Jedi version and a Sith version to please those light and dark siders out there. These robes will also give you the protection you would get from wearing the Jedi or Sith Master robes. So this mod isn’t just for looks after all. ;) Plus, they’re upgradeable. :p Another thing good about this mod is Bastila will wear the Sith version of the robes when you confront her on top of the Rakatan Temple. A major plus in my option if these robes have grabbed your attention. Overall, the biggest appeal about the mod is new clothing. Make sure you read the readme. ChAiNz likes to write long ones, but it is worth the read to make sure you’re following instructions carefully about item placement since this mod is not a small thing that has been done. All good things never came easy. ;) And lastly, have fun with this mod. [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
For you Bastila fans out there, you’re finally in for a treat. Have you gotten tired of her default clothing? Do you need something to spice up Bastila’s looks? If so, ChAiNz.2da is your man. He
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