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Kotor 1 Robe of the Force Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-12-12 00:12:00
54 просмотра
this flashy robe, a rich red that goes well with an equally red lightsaber. The regeneration feature will help you shrug off all the incoming blows. However, this robe is not limited to DS players, so you LS players can wear it or see if it looks good on your Jedi party members. Again, feedback will help the creator make more and better mods in the future. It is also the only form of payment these artists get for their work. Please give generously! - Allronix
It\'s tough to be a bad guy in K1. You kill off half your party, get into more fights, and your options for fashion are limited to black, black, and more black. Dogbut offers an alternative with
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