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Call of Aid

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-05-21 22:05:00
4 просмотра
NPCs to help out your player in a fight (and you'll definitely wind up in more than a few). This is an update for the [i]KotOR I[/i] version; the [i]KotOR II[/i] version will be along shortly. In case some of you aren't familiar with the mod, I'll explain the basics. Upon leaving Dantooine, you are approached by a mysterious Twi'lek who offers you a device called the Call of Aid. (Or, if you don't have a savegame before Dantooine, or don't want to replay it, you can add the item to your inventory with the cheat console or the savegame editor.) The device sends out a message, summoning all friendly troops in the area. Which type of NPCs you get depends on your alignment--if you are light-sided, you get Republic soldiers and Jedi; if you are dark-sided, Sith soldiers and Dark Jedi will come to your aid; and if you are neutral, you will receive help from the Mandalorians. With this newest update, you will now have the ability to choose which NPCs you spawn; for example, if you are light-sided, you can choose from a list of Republic soldiers, Republic officers, and Jedi Guardians, Sentinels, and Consulars. I'm sure this will be yet another well-received addition to the mod. The mod does use the TSL Patcher to ensure compatibility with other mods, so no worries there. Enjoy! :) NOTE: Please leave comments/feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; usually it's the only reward modders receive for their efforts. ~JC
Sekan returns with another update to his [i]Call of Aid[/i] mod. The mod has gained extreme popularity in very little time, due to its rather attractive premise: the armband lets you spawn various
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