Readme {P†W} Admin Client V Installation: - Put the two files ({PtW} Admin Client and {PtW} Adminbefehle) in your Main/Mainta or Maintt folder! - Now you can open the Admintool over the "n" Key (English version) Remember this Mod w
Hello, I'm here again with something different then basebuild mods. I made a mod in a custom map made by CypheR. i made the north and south side with this mod. at the south side the alliance need to defend the their base against the axis that wa
M1 Garand Mountain Rifle The metal has been completely reworked including, in parts, giving it a shiny appearance. The wood is also all new, along with some additional graphics on the receiver as well as the quite noticeable Ram on the stock. Last
>>>>MOD: Call Of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare Scope>Created By: 1lynx1 >Time Spent On The Mod: 3 Hours Or So.>Breif: This Is A Call Of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare Scope it is almost identical to the one off Call Of Duty 4 :
Bridge_Assault_Final A Medal of Honor: Spearhead map by Bobzilla --->Installation: copy the "bridge_assault_final.pk3" file into your mohaa/main or mohaa/mainta directory --->To Uninstall: delete the "bridge_assault_final.pk3" file from your