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Medal of Honor Allied Assault

страница:   1 2 3 4 5 6... 439
Всего материалов:  4384

Freeztag OBJ Custom Map Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
82 просмотра
25 Freeztag Objective map pack - ready to run on servers.

Splatter's Green Dot

Добавил: The DSystem
42 просмотра
ReadMe: ========================================= MoH:AA crosshair Mod (add-on) for Medal of Honor Allied Assault . lime green Scope moded and created by: HellzFire{PRS}spLatTergUts ========================================= This add-on con

HellzFire Shade Scope

Добавил: The DSystem
42 просмотра
ReadMe: ========================================= MoH:AA Scope Mod (add-on) for Medal of Honor Allied Assault . Scope modeled and created by: HellzFire{GFX|MP}Rausch ========================================= This add-on contains updated

Snow Sniper Fury

Добавил: The DSystem
38 просмотров
A medium map in snow, with two great bunkers and a small bridge. The map is created only to team deathmatch (dont have spawn points to death match).


Добавил: The DSystem
40 просмотров
A avatar for both allies and axis

Disco Sandbags (1.0)

Добавил: The DSystem
39 просмотров
Ey, I made another skin. No player skin or weapon skin this time no a sandbag skin. This is the result a disco sandbag. Its nice for my basebuild server so they got a different look. I like them. install: Place in mainta for spearhead Place i

Black's M1Garand (1.0)

Добавил: The DSystem
40 просмотров
Ey, This is my first m1garand skin and i want to share it with you guys. Hope you like it for first skin. (Made with Photoshop cs4 extended) Install: spearhead: put it in ur mainta folder Breaktrough put it in ur maintt folder Allied Assa

Alternative Firing Founds

Добавил: The DSystem
45 просмотров
Some little mods i've made for Medal of Honor AA. To use them, just unzip its PAK files inside of the main data folder. I will post more script-based modes soon, and fix ancient ones.

Arm's Wrenchboy

Добавил: The DSystem
42 просмотра
=ARM's Wrenchboy Readme= DESCRIPTION-Simple skin i made, ranger tunic & pants with black gear and goggles, looks like some sort of engineer, hope u guys like it. INSTALLATION-put the pk3 in ur main mainta or maintt folder. legal dont me

Armdude's C.O.

Добавил: The DSystem
41 просмотр
=Armdude's Commanding Officer= Kickass skin, took us army uniforms and mixed it with the sas outfit, here is what you get! Install by dropping the pk3 file in your main, mainta, or maintt folder. Ask before you try to edit it n anyway.

страница:   1 2 3 4 5 6... 439
Всего материалов:  4384