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Here is a United States Airforce B-2 Spirit, which is also known as the Stealth Bomber. This aircraft looks very accurate when compared to the real life version of the aircraft, although as for
Ok People You See A lot Off Snipers But None Of Tame Are Hitting The Correct Target Right its always off 1% or 5% a Sniper Its A Sniper Know I Made 2 Snipers For The West Side This Sniper Will Hit A
ok all dinos Fixed and knew can be found only on the Res Side... New Tex New Sounds And Fixed Bugs.... ------------------------------------------- needed the beta version from Jurassic
cjConnieTNGV2 - New texture white hull style TNG era Original Constitution Class Upgraded Also included are four other Modified Connie style cruisers And XI
cjConnieTNG - Basically TNG era Original Constitution Class Upgraded Also included are Modified Connie style cruisers And XI Truman Class Starship (Two Nacelle, Two Eng.
this is 5th version of mission,it is very hard mission now,so make strategy best to pass it, now some changes add to mission many make mission much hard now.
NATO has started a big invasion now against all resistance,so time to defend base till the last soldier need to survive and defend the base,do your best strategy to defend the base.
Operation Hellfire is my third mission yet, and in my opinion the best. It includes voice acting, intro, outro and about a hour of gameplay. In first phase of the mission you will land on beaches