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akira class plus

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-12-16 00:12:00
12 просмотров
readme with a different type of pack upcoming. First, it has my final Akira Class TNG ships, faster than any of the others and as strong as an Excelsior Class. It will be the only TNG to not use my soon to be done TNG crew. Second, there is my revision to the texture-weapon file cj_fctex including multiple fixes and some texture additions for the TNG files as well as model and texture fixes, it is the Beta version and the next release will be the final. Third, is the final Endeavour (Q5ST) addon with revisions, improved bridges and a new ship (Note this addon as well as the ones featured in the weapon file were to give a rounded style of eras from TOS to TNG for those who prefer just one era or a few addons). Fourth, I have also revised my Excelsior Class and released it due to two parts, first I wanted you to have a variant that was not to weak for TNG eras, and second I wanted you to have the variant with the USS Excelsior hero I use myself. Fifth, flight on the Akira, USS Excelsior, and USS Essex are all of the improved type and the disembarking problem seems to be resolved on the USS Excelsior as well the Akira does fine even though it is the largest craft with successful and decent flight. Please note that the future versions of the weapon addon will be compatible with the older versions of it (exp. as saved in a mission pre-final variant) as well as work with other addons I have built previously using it. There is also a brief description of the anti air beam weapons included in the readme, so you can use them if you like on my other addons or on any unit you would like to add it to (A detailed wepons stat for this file will come with the later final version). It may be a while before I have the Final ready due to the other addons I am working on as well. Thanks!!! CJ
AkiraClassPlus - Features all eras Akira Class first TNG era ready and revised weapons, textures, additions, and ships for my latest addons and upcoming star mod addons, also error listings and
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