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RAF CH-47 Chinook

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-12-20 00:12:00
12 просмотров
roundel and insignia. The skin is very accurately done as far as I can tell from the single picture I managed to dig up of a real-world Chinook wearing this skin. The addon is obviously perfect for use as an RAF Chinook in your missions and would be a nice general purpose alternative if you are bored with the drab skin of the BIS model, note, however, that the BIS skin is the one worn by Chinooks most of the time. The addon is of a high quality, and I would recommend it for all your RAF helictoper needs.
This addon is a reskinned version of the BIS model CH-47 Chinook, with no changes other than that made to the skin. The chopper now features an RAF disrubted pattern skin along with the RAF
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