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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2004-12-20 00:12:00
17 просмотров
really puts the player into the mood. More info about the story can be found on the Retaliation website listed above. The story is very well done, creatively, and original. Scripting is taken to a new level with advance AI that are not the sitting ducks were used to in flashpoint. From artillery scripts, to air strike scripts, it’s all there. Let’s talk about the battles now. Some battles are really brutal with more then a hundred AI’s, friendly and foe. It’s impressive seeing the enemy rush at your in waves, trying to make a gap in your defense line, making hope for their escape. It’s even more impressive when they AI take defensive positions and act more like real soldiers instead of just rushing your position. Cut scenes are really good in this campaign. They really add to the story. They are professional with little flaws, adding a lot to the story. This is one of the few campaigns that offer voices (although in Russian with English subtitles). It is the only campaign that is greater in size then both resistance and the original flashpoint campaign put together. Perhaps because of the voices and custom sounds and music included in the campaign. Let’s talk about flaws. Although not every campaign is perfect, there are little flaws in retaliation. There are some grammar errors with the English subtitles, but that’s nothing that can stop you from fully enjoy this campaign. I recommend this campaign to every flashpoint fan out there. Don’t let the size scare you, the campaign is quality, and I’m sure if you’re a true fan of Operation Flashpoint, you will enjoy it. Dificulty: Medium to Very Hard
Finally, a campaign that shows us the Soviet perspective of the original flashpoint 1985 crisis. In this campaign you play as a Soviet infantry man, tanker, and pilot. The story of this campaign
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