creator: {WFH}Sickocreated for: Clan/all rtcw gamers!!!!************************************************** misc * wfh=warriors from hell **************************************************time put in
Map Name: DM FactoryAuthor: /Hitman----------------e-mail: channel: #banimod on Quakenet)Installation:----------------unzip this file to your RTCW/main folderMap
At first i made this map to learn more about scripting, I decided to add some more thingsand submit it.Installation:Copy "DM_Crane.pk3" into your "Return To Castle Wolfenstein/Main" directory.My Info:Nickname: Flag_Man
------------------------------------Cold Meal Deathmatch +dm_cold_meal +------------------------------------NOTE:The music playing in the backround,is the Assault song in Wolf SP.Map Nam
============================= RTCW - DM-ARENA-FINAL Read Me=============================**********************************************************************************
---MP_ARENA README---***Installation***Unzip the mp_arena.pk3 file to your "C:Program FilesReturn to Castle WolfensteinMain" folder. ***General Information***Version: 1.0Title: Valkrys Arena, mp_arenaFilename: mp_aren
Map- Backyard Toys: DeahtmatchAuthor- ATBEmail- vweyes1@hotmail.comWebsite- the map-This map is the deathmap version of Backyard Toys. You are in the backyard of some messy kids thatnever clea