Checkpoint-Timedemo für Return to Castle Wolfenstein****************************************************Author:Leonidas, 3DCenter, Anleitung/Guide:
*MSN 2 WOLF*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description:This is a simple program that acts as forwarder between MSN and RTCW so you would be able to read & answer incoming chat messages
WIRC for mIRC A mIRC plugin for RTCWAUTHORS: WIRC DLL and Script were revised by Msn2Wolf for RTCW (2003) Email: QIRC Script was written by sYx66 (Alex living in Ontario, Canada) Email : syx66
Please read the information below before installing the Wolfenstein tools.Thank you for downloading the Return to Castle Wolfenstein Tool SDK. These tools are provided as-is, and are not supported by Activision, Gray Matter, Nerve Software,