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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Death Wish

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-07-11 00:07:00
13 просмотров
Barrier. 2. Defend the Barracks. 3. Deny Foward Deployment. 4. Defend Flak Gun #1. 5. Defend Flak Gun #2. REVIEW: This map is a very good recreation of Omaha Beach during the morning of D-day. This map is a very good map for large groups of people due to the mg42 placements (good thing, realistic). One of the major problem is after the first objective is taken the map bottle necks since the only way up is underground through the tunnel system. The mines are very very cool. Some of the problems on this map are the mg42s can go down right into the wall, lighting down below could use a bit of working being darkened. Suggestions: Fix the MG42s, relight in the tunnels, and have the left side open to get up into the map for another route to be defended. Overall this is a very good recreation of Omaha beach. Other then a few little mistakes and lighting this map is pretty good. Note: Size vs. Usefulness got a lower rating due to half the map isnt even used. SOURCE: RTCW.CO.UK Digital Bath
Allies Objectives: 1. Clear the Barrier. 2. Break into the Barracks. 3. Obtain Foward Replacements. 4. Destroy Flak Gun #1. 5. Destroy Flak Gun #2. Axis Objectives: 1. Defend the
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