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Air Ship

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-11-10 00:11:00
12 просмотров
airship construction facility. [*]Allies aim to blow up the 'uber airship' and capture the base. [/list] [list] [*]Axis must stop the allies from blowing up the ship but they must also blow up the base to prevent it from falling into enemy hands intact.[/list] NOTE - teamplay is important as both objectives can only be reached by triggered rampways that return to their starting positions - someone is needed to activate these ramps for the engineer! Doing it alone is possible but you have to be quick. The map has two main ends/areas seperated by the centre flag area. The whole of this central area is undercover rendering airstrikes and artillery useless. There is a deeper underground route which is dodgy. THANKS TO: [list] [*]To everyone that helped me make this map[/list] Legal Notice: Do whatever you like with it, but please don't alter it without asking me first.
Title: Air Ship Author: Neil aka. major-crisis 2003 Email: neil@ddtp.vispa.com Map Size: 16 a side wolfmp (dual objective) Game Details [list] [*]Allies have infultrated the axis mountain
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