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Heavy Water

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-08-05 00:08:00
8 просмотров
regarding a project to develop a new weapon, a weapon so great in power that the free world will capitulate under the shadow of certain annihilation. The Atom Bomb. Under the guise of a crematorium handling the disposal of combatants and civillians alike,shipments of Heavy Water have been arriving to enable the prototype Atomic Reactor to produce weapon grade enriched Uranium. The Allies have recieved information regarding the true nature of the plant and a mission has been urgently called. The plant must be destroyed utterly before enriched Uranium can be processed, all personel within the plant, neutralised. It is believed that the manufacturing process is flawed, if both Heavy Water holding tanks were to be suddenly opened, it is believed that a "Critical Mass" event would cause massive and total destruction. The destiny of the free world will be decided here, in this time: "Move out soldiers!"
A great new map from SurrenderDorothy!!! The year is 1944, across all fronts the armies of the Third Reich are facing certain defeat. The Fuhrer anxiously awaits news from occupied Hungary
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