range and difficult for snipers. Another feature to this map is that the creator has gone out of his way in making spawn killing very difficult by putting the spawn points up on ledges. The only down point I have found with the level design is that defense is difficult because of a lack of choke points. The first real choke point is at the lab's main door and offers little cover for a defender. Once inside the lab the Allies don't have far to go to get to the final objective and the Axis have trouble getting there any quicker then the Allies do. Technically this map is pretty good. Textures seem pretty good and the lighting looks very nice. There was an issue or two with spawn points but nothing bad. No outstanding scripting achievements or errors. In the end this map offers alot of in your face fighting and does it the right way. Drill Sgt Dante
This maps main focus seems to be house to house fighting, the kind that was necessary in cities. Every building in the area has some kind of damage done to it which makes the fighting very close
- File Name:
- mk_x_lab.zip
- File Size:
- 1.79 MB
- Download Last 2 Week:
- 7
- Downloads All Time:
- 3,720