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Mages Skulls

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-08-23 00:08:00
20 просмотров
play. This time your character isn't BJ and your in some very unfamilar terrain. Starting out up high in the chasms and mountains,this is a very "watch your step" adventure. Including new custom textures,models,sounds and voice scripting."KAT" has mapped out some incredible chasms and caves,narrow passages and..well once you get to your final goal,it actually gets better inside. I hate to give away too much..but inside you change pace gamewise,going from Axis fighting outdoors to the supernatural inside Very tricky secret passages,booby traps,and a very inspired "Indiana Jones Last Crusade" styled..get past the 3 traps to achieve your prize to win! Without giving away any more..JUST GET THIS. Reviewed by Det Pak * Map and General Information * Information ================================================================ Title : Mages Skulls Date : (FINAL) August03 PK3 file : spkat_**.pk3 : Author : Quake3Bits - Ken 'kat' Beyer & Nigel Cooney Email : info@quake3bits.com (subject 'maps') Website : http://www.quake3bits.co.uk Forum : http://www.cpdt.com/forum Description : Single Player 'minimod' for Return to Castle Wolfenstein Additional Credits : ID Software for allowing us to do what we do to the game! : Map testers - EMSIPEs crew, DemonSpawn, Eskimo Roll, BNA : Arno, the guys at KoS, Sock (last but not least..!) : guys @ Q3W-LE (esp Erasor) : guys @ Splash Damage (esp sock and djbob) : guys @ rtcw.co.uk : guys at KoS's place (esp Det Pak KoS and Pizpot) : guys at Tram Design : Special thanks to DemonSpawn, Cacabunny, Zer0Logic, : Exender, ButterB, Eskimo Roll, sock, djbob, Erasor, : Det Pak, Pizpot : extra special mention to Karloff : ....anybody else..! ================================================================ Play Information Game type : Single Player (SP) RtCW Bots : 'optimized' aas files (rcd included) see 'README 1st.rtf' for extensive installation instructions ================================================================ Construction Base : nothing Editor : GTKRadiant 1.x.x + GTKq3map : Q3Map2 (2.3.38) : Q3Map2Toolz : Corel PhotoPaint - 2D artwork : GMax - 3D models : MilkShape - 3D models : CrimsonEditor : Creative WaveStudio - audio : Notepad : WinZip : WinRar Known Bugs : n/a Build Time : over 18 months (ish) Textures : default and some custom Models : default + custom Sound : default + custom Compile machine : Athlon XP2000+ : 1gig DDR RAM, ATI9000Pro 128MB Test Machines sys1 :Athlon 1.33, 768SDRAM, ATI9000Pro 128MB :FPS range 35-90 @ 1024x768 (FPS locked at default 90) sys2 :PIII600, 512SDRAM, GF2 32MB :FPS range 15-60 @ 1024x768 sys3 :Athlon 2000+, 1gigDDRRAM, ATI8500 64MB :FPS range 45-90 1280x1024 (FPS locked at default 90) sys4 :Athlon 2200+, 512DDRRAM, GF4 TI4200 64MB (8xAGP) :FPS range [not available] q3map compile Time q3map2 - 2.3.38 -BSP -fullvis -light -fast -nocollapse -patchshadows -shade -shadeangle 30 -samples 3 spkat_cine1 : TOTAL - approx 15mins episode1 : TOTAL - approx 1hr episode2 : TOTAL - approx 1hr Brushes count spkat_cine1 : 250 episode1 : 4676 episode2 : 10413 Entity count spkat_cine1 : 100 episode1 : 646 (uncompiled) : 641 (ingame) episode2 : 1322 (uncompiled) : 821 (ingame) =============================================================== Distribution / Copyright / Permissions Do not distribute these files without this readme present. If you wish to include these files on a CD for distribution please contact the author below. Copyright © 2003 Ken Beyer (info@quake3bits.com - subject 'MagesSkulls') 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.
It's been some time since a really good single player has come along,but at last here we go. This adventure gets away from very familiar castles and battlefields of most SP versions out to
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