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Operation Evil Eye

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-08-30 00:08:00
13 просмотров
untimely deaths and subsequently the entire "Project Resurrection", was shelved. In the summer of 1942, the feverish quest for a supreme Supernatural Fatherland was rekindled by the breakthrough discovery of the hidden Burial site of High Priestess Vimmola Dardienna Blavatsky, grand spiritualist of the Covenant of Daknspeuk, scripter of the "Ancient tomb of Daknspeuk" or "Death Speak". Once deciphered by Mystic Adept, Madame Blavatsky, the great, great granddaughter of Vimmola Blavatsky; the secret burial crypt of Vilmhelm Krushner ("William the Crusher") First Knight of Dellok and "The Dealer of Punishment and Justice" for his Lord Heinrich I was discovered. With the tomb and crypt both known by the Reich’s SS Paranormal Division, a rejuvenated "Project Resurrection" has once again thrown the world into a collision course with this veiled darkness of unholy terror."
"During the summer of 1939 the German high command began secret experiments into establishing Psychic Connections to their ancestral past. Several botched attempts resulted in many German scientists
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