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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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The ThirdReich

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-07-10 22:07:00
14 просмотров
theThirdReich out so people new i wasn't joking about doing a mod.[/quote]Here's a brief description of this mod: [quote]The game is divided into missions, which in turn form a campaign. Missions are essentially multiplayer levels into which the players are dropped. To "win" each missions, a team must accumulate as many points as possible. Points are gathered by accomplishing different objectives, as defined by the rules of engagements. Some objectives are pretty standard and remain the same throughout the game ( such as killing enemy players ). Other objectives are mission-specific. They are generally more difficult to accomplish and most of them require good teamplay. However, they are also worth more points. A mission ends when a team has reached all of its assigned mission objectives or once it has killed every member of the opposing team. Players are divided into two teams at the beginning of a campaign. They are either part of the Allied or the German forces. The makeup of each team will remain the same throughout the campaign. This means that the Allied players will play as the Allies in every mission, until the end of the campaign, same thing for the German players. Once the campaign ends, the roles will be reversed, meaning that the players who played the Allies, will now play the Germans and vice versa. The weapons to be used by the players will be taken directly from those present during W.W.II. When possible, we will try to keep their statistics as true to life as possible, but for the sake of gameplay, this might not always be a viable option. We won't hesitate to change a weapon's statistics in order to keep the game balanced and fun.[/quote]
[quote]This is only the alphaONE so dont expect perfection. I'm mainly dealing with player classes at this time, I will be focusing on maps and models in later releases I just wanted to get the
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