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Voice Comms Script

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-07-10 22:07:00
15 просмотров
all u WASD users must REBIND the keys to suite them. I must tell you this is not the last version since there are more ideas coming up soon. I Felt that bare redirection of RTCW voice taunts is not enough since they are really good and when used reight can give accurate position and state that person is. So since there is so many of them binding them to bare key without previously knowing whet u gona say takes time and that can lead to misunderstanding and misinformation causing your tem8s to leave position in some point in game which can result eather by losing the game or resulting in often death. So I came to idea to have preview,(well it comes from old KP days when brilliant man called jjaf.de first implemented this screen preview in his Combat messages http://jjaf.de/kingpin/messaging), on screen prior to acctual message. I have devided taunts simply to: ORDERS (MEDIC,NEED-AMMO,NEED-BACKUP,NEED-ENGINEER,DISARM-DYNAMITE,LETS-GO,DEFEND-OBJECTIVE) and binded them on keys right above arrow keys (INS,HOME,PGUP,DEL,END,PGDN)-for those who know a bit about editing can make their own changes and STATEMENTS (INCOMING,PATH-CLEARED,ON-DEFENCE,ON-OFFENCE,AFFIRMATIVE,NEGATIVE,FOLLOW-ME,CLEAR-PATH,ALL-CLEAR,FIRE-IN-THE-HOLE,TAKING-FIRE,HOLD-YOUR-FIRE,DYNAMITE-PLANTED,DYNAMITE-DEFUSED,SORRY and WELLCOME) all binded on KP_KEYS There ARE TWO excetption and that is ENTER key-used for reseting the messages and KP_ENTER key-which is only order binded to KP_KEY. I will prolly do some more classificaions including different colores for ORDERS,GLOBAL TALK,STATEMENTS etc.[/quote]
I'm not sure how to describe this script in a few lines so ehm, well just check out the "Description of the Script" from the readme: :D [quote]OK so here it is. This script is ARROW_KEYS oriented so
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