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RtCW Animator

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-07-10 22:07:00
21 просмотр
do. [b][i]What is RtCW Animator?[/i][/b] RtCW Animator is a small program to create animation scripts for Return To Castle Wolfenstein. You can also use it to create a cool, colored name. (like: Pro-Filer instead of just Pro-Filer) [b][i]What is an animation script?[/i][/b] An animation script is a script (.cfg) that changes your name, wait a few miliseconds, then changes it again, and again etc. That way you can create all kinds of effects. Animation scripts are used when a RtCW Match is over, and the score is displayed. If you bound the script to a key, you just press that key and your animation is played. Everybody sees your animation. [b]Updates v0.40 --> v0.50:[/b]Made Simple Edit mode (easier to edit colors) Fixed small bug in Wave Effect code Made extra menu options in ‘Add Line’ menu (copy selected line X times - copy all lines (and in reversed order) New ‘save script’ code (with time & action support) Made an extra HELP page with info Some small bugs fixed (including v0.41 no-generate after save bug)[img]http://www.gamingfiles.com/screenshots/13/files_extra/1490_big.jpg[/img] [b][i]Output Example[/i][/b] Here's the output of a little animation I just made, looks pretty fun :D //-------------------------- //----- SCRIPT MADE WITH --- //------ RtCW Animator ----- //----- by: [ACF]CheetaH --- //-------------------------- //-joel_stemmer@hotmail.com- //-------------------------- set name "-GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "--GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "---GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "----GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "-----GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "------GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "-------GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "--------GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "---------GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "----------GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "-----------GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "------------GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "-------------GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "--------------GO AWAY! RUN!" wait 10 set name "---------------" wait 10 set name "--------------P" wait 10 set name "-------------Pr" wait 10 set name "------------Pro" wait 10 set name "-----------Pro-" wait 10 set name "----------Pro-F" wait 10 set name "---------Pro-Fi" wait 10 set name "--------Pro-Fil" wait 10 set name "-------Pro-File" wait 10 set name "------Pro-Filer" wait 10 set name "-----Pro-Filer-" wait 10 set name "----Pro-Filer--" wait 10 set name "---Pro-Filer---" wait 10 set name "+--Pro-Filer--+" wait 10 set name "++-Pro-Filer-++" wait 10 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 10 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 10 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 10 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 10 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 10 set name "---Kicks Ass---" wait 10 set name "---Kicks Ass---" wait 10 set name "---Kicks Ass---" wait 10 set name "---Kicks Ass---" wait 10 set name "---Kicks Ass---" wait 10 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 10 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 10 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 10 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 10 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 10 set name "---Kicks Ass---" wait 10 set name "---Kicks Ass---" wait 10 set name "---Kicks Ass---" wait 10 set name "---Kicks Ass---" wait 10 set name "---Kicks Ass---" wait 10 set name "^1+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 100 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 100 set name "^4+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 100 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 10 set name "+++Pro-Filer+++" wait 10 As an extra bit of info, after you've used this script and saved the output to a .cfg file in your Main directory, say... call it nickanimation.cfg then go into the game or edit the autoexec.cfg and type /bind b exec nickanimation.cfg where b can be any key you want Then when the game is done and the scores are shown, just press the button (b in my case) and your animation will be shown, w00t!
[b]Note:[/b] This is the heavy version, you can also download the [file=1490]light version[/file] if you already have the "Visual Basic runtime files" installed on your PC. Chances are big that you
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