Terrorist V1.0 oldmanfunk Installation - Extract to your base/mp folder, multiplayer only. v1 - This is a terroris with a long balck trenchcoat and dark glasses, deathmatch only. He doesnt replace anyone in team games.
============================================================ The Terminator By Fragger ============================================================ Installation:
Extract to your base/mp folder and enjoy! =====================
============================================================ THe Punisher ============================================================ Installation ============================================================ Extract to your base/mp fo
skin made by : |PoE| < wjw > comments : this skin is made for my clan but can be used in public. place the PoE.pk3 file in your base folder and everything should be
Finally, I have succeeded in creating the firat skin for this awesome game. All I ask is for some server admins to carry it, so that all future skinners hav
......................................................................... :....................-SOLDIER OF FORTUNE II SKIN-.....................: :..............................-JET LI-...............................: