These are two things i whipped up after playing on a server with nothing but snipers, MM1 & RPG7. Since so many peeps seem to like those weapons for some good fraggin fun, i thought i'd make
This is my latest creation, asu may have noticed, i\'ve been into some sniper rifles ;) this one is all black with a chrome end , brown leather handle, Golden scope on it, scope background is made
These skins are based upon the characters in the hit movie "Black HAwk Down" [quote] Update = Some people were complaining a bit about the i made them better. [/quote]
Ain\'t this cool dudes ? Its my latest skinpack. rifle 1: Desert Storm rifle + scope. rifle 2: Hunting rifle + deluxe scope. make sure to check out the grid in the scope, it rox & give like an
This skin changes the look of the sniper rifle, this is another from ArkansasDave[USA]. It replaces normal sniper rifle with a desert camo works great with Black Hawk Down Skins. :)