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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Apple Consoles

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-08-10 00:08:00
9 просмотров
X users inmind, really livens' up the console. install ONLY ONE pk3 (take your pick) Building time: 20 minutes Version: v1.0 How to install: unzip file, take the ONE pk3 of your choice and place in your MP folder (for windows=C:\program files\soldier of fortune II - Double Helix\base\mp) (for OS X=HD:\applications\soldier of fortune II\base\mp) Built by: Black 7 (NP) you can email me here: Lbcjdub@yahoo.com website: http://mysite.verizon.net/res1js1s/ ======================================================== = by using this file you understand that I the author = = of this file accept no responsibility for any damage = = what so ever to your hardware and/ or software after = = or upon installing this file. By installing this = = file you admit to having read all the terms. for = = mass trading or distributing of this file, contact = = author and get the ok. Always give credit to the = = author no matter the situation. = ======================================================== -Black 7 -Clan Nukeproof
=========== + READ ME + =========== Name of Model: Apple Screensaver Consoles Information on Model: a console pack, consisting of pictures from the apple OS 10.2 screen savers. Made for OS
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