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US Army Snow ops

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-04-15 00:04:00
5 просмотров
of their backs. And one marine had no helment. Now 3 of them have their helments back. And the backpacks are back as well. The top of the ski masks matches the face part of it, and it looks very realistic. The freemason logo has been removed, but the Us flag remains. I removed the freemason logo because I thought it needed more of its snow camo to show. Therefore, I also changed the length of the gloves. They only go a little bit less of half way to the end of the forearm. And to match their knee guards, they have elbow guards now as well.
This is the final version of the us army snow ops. It has no glitches or bugs, or small errors. The more recent versions had no backpacks on accident, and there was floating blood hovering just off
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