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Tribal Hunters( Rebel Pack )

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-07-28 00:07:00
9 просмотров
skins so ppls can get what they want.This pack also comes with a silencer and silencer sound for the soccom pistol, its choosable. The details about the pack is included below, peace. Download and give me your feeback. health_large, health_small, ammo_9mm, ammo_shotgun, ammo_mm1, M4, AK-47, knife, M203, frag, incenadary,smoke and flash gernades, soccom, MP5-with silencer, M60 ,Microuzi, m91191, M3A1, Gernade launcher, M590 shotgun, shells, RPG and the bayonet for the Ak-47, Flag-post, flag_red and flag_blue, New hands, MP console fire, and smoke(that comes off the fire)[/quote] [quote]Accessories Redone: health_large, health_small, ammo_9mm, ammo_shotgun, ammo_mm1, M4, AK-47, knife, M203, frag, incenadary,smoke and flash gernades, soccom, m91191, M3A1, Gernade launcher, M590 shotgun, shells, and the bayonet for the Ak-47(Also silencer with the soccom, pick-able), Mp5-with silencer, M60, Microuzi Flag-post, flag_red and flag_blue New hands, MP console , fire, and smoke(that comes off the fire) Shaders - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tribalhunters(spec.ed).pk3 = No tracers this time,NEW weapons: M4, AK-47, knife, M203, frag, Incenadary,smoke and flash gernades, soccom, m91191, M3A1, Gernade launcher, M590 shotgun, shells, and the bayonet for the Ak-47(Also silencer with the soccom, pick-able), Mp5-with silencer, M60, Microuzi Flag-post, flag_red and flag_blue New hands, MP console , fire, and smoke(that comes off the fire), Shaders - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sOUND= Bullet Impacts- wood. Weapons: AK47-fire01,. .M3A1= fire01, . M4: fire01. M60: fire 01,. Shotgun: fire01, pump1 ,pump2 ,pumpnpc. M1911A1: fire01,. Microuzi: fire 01. Mp5: mp5_fire,. Sig551: fire01. Sniper: fire01. [/quote] A very good weapons pack and well worth a download and test :thumbsup:
[quote]Well, you guys are probably thinking that this skin pack looks the same as the last one only that the guns are black not silver. well , that might be right, but i like to put out a variety of
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