Generations at War 2.0.1 Patch fix release. This patch fixes the following issues: 1) Klingon L-24 poloran removed. 2) Constellation class moved to TMP era per cannon. (2.0.1) 3) Rekelli now show up in single player missions properly. (2.0.1)
The origins of the Generations at War mod for Starfleet Command 3 comes from a vision for a multi era cannon centric Star Trek game based on the Starfleet Command 3 engine. The mod features over 250 playable class vessels (over 280 including npc vess
-------------------------------------------- Generations at War 1.04 Patch -------------------------------------------- Please note all changes are in reference from 1.0. 1) Cardassian stations with no weapons - fixed. 2) Breen do not have c
-------------------------------------------- Generations at War 1.03 Patch -------------------------------------------- 1) Common setting Float errors - Fixed. 2) Breen BCH with engine space of BB - Fixed. 3) Added Pelican Distress Mission. 4)