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Duulan: Canyon Village

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-03-10 23:03:00
11 просмотров
his forces then began rolling over the remaining CIS forces. However the CIS was able to escape due to attacks on the Republic forces by local insurgents. Jemsen was inraged that the CIS escaped and blamed it on the Duulanians. He made himself dictator of Duulan and had any people suspected of "treason against the Republic" arrested. Most of the Duulanian government was captured and executed, however, a few managed to escape. They made a city in a mountain region as the new capital and orded the Duulanian military to mobilize. A force of Duulanian soldiers under the command of Colonal Sven set up a defence in a small village located in a mountain pass... Includes my own Clone Commando and destroyable gates. Glitches: Bots sometimes run into walls. There may be balance issues.[/quote] Give it a download now if you own BF1. -ggctuk
This is the sequel to Ty294's Duulan: Mine Pit. [quote]Story: Dispite heavy losses and a long battle the 181st legion under Commander Jemsen defeated the CIS at their research station. Jemsen and
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