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Star Wars Battlefront
Custom Maps
Tatooine Imperial Ground Assault Map

Tatooine Imperial Ground Assault Map

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-01-01 00:01:00
8 просмотров
the remote planet Tatooine on the outskirts of Bestine with the aim to crush any resistance they encounter and take control of this influential city. The Rebel Alliance ,however have learned of this invasion and sent a fleet to counter the Emperor's plan's for domination. Will you join the Alliance and save the peoples of Bestine or fight for the Emperor and crush the Rebellion? [/quote] Sounds great! The developer stresses however, that this map is a "tester" and the final version will come out soon. We hope you enjoy! [b]Review[/b] This map is very, very well done. It has lots of never before seen objects in it, skeletons, large vehicles, alot of the things that make us feel like we are in the game. The developer of this map, [b]Lord Bandu[/b], took a lot of time and effort to create something that would be fun to play. The map itself has some of the most fast paced, army based gameplay I have seen in SWBF yet. The minute you spawn, you are immediatly surrounded by an elite army of about 60-70 soldiers! This is definently more units I have seen in this game than ever before, and it makes for a really big battle that you can get pulled into very easily. This gets it a very high score. The only bugs I could see included the following: 1. The vehicles don't seem to move. I am not sure of they are supposed to but the X-Wing and the Tie Fighters are oddly stuck to the ground, and the X-Wings are only half way modeled. It's quite weird, but it doesn't detract from gameplay. 2. The sun shines through buildings. This has been a problem since SWBF was released, however, it can get quite annoying to have it shining on you 24/7. Once again though, it doens't really detract from the gameplay. Overall, I like this map, and I think that you will too. Download it now and see for yourself! See you on the battlefront! *Todays Reviewer* - [b]AndrewD[/b] (dddandrew@filesnetwork.com)
Here we have an outstandingly well done map created by [b]Lord_Bandu[/b]. I will put my review of it up soon, but for now, check out this description: [quote] The Imperial Army have landed at
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