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Battlefront Main Play Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-04-22 22:04:00
9 просмотров
posted here, as it was released at the end of March). It also relocalizes all units and weapons, so that the new weapons and units are named, and weapons are laregly named correctly. As before, backup all relevant files (your sides, Mission.lvl and core.lvl). it also includes new level files for Naboo Theed, Yavin IV: Arena and Bespin: Platforms, although these are not compulsory, but you should back up those files too if you want to play the newer versions. -ggctuk (As a side note, if any other staff still play BF1, they might want to give this a download to write a score card out)
So here it is. The final version of the Main Play Mod for Battlefront I. It fixes bugs in prior versions, adds new additions and suchlike. It also includes, as did the prior release (which was not
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