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Music Replacement for SFC3

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-10-16 00:10:00
8 просмотров
ambient music will now be the theme from Deep Space Nine (Rock version). 2. The Federation main music in game is now the TNG TV Theme. 3. Occasionally in Federation Battles you will hear the 1st Contact com chatter. 4. The Klingon Main music and battle music is now the Klingon Imperial Theme! Installation: The first thing you should is back up the file; (Your game directory)/assets/SFCMusic.zip. You'll need Winzip here to add the new audio. Open Winzip, and browse to: (Your Game Directory)/assets/sound and open SFCMusic.zip. Open Windows Explorer and browse to (Your game directory)assets/sound. Drag and then add the mp3 files you see in assets/sound into Winzip, making sure Winzip is set to no compression. IF YOU USE ANY OPTION EXCEPT 'NONE' IN WINZIP YOU WILL LOSE ALL THE MUSIC IN THE ENTIRE GAME!' Be careful. That'll do it! - fire up the game and have fun. Credit for getting this to work goes to Towelie on the Taldren Forums. Lotsa people are going to be happy. I predict many SFC3 Music Mods coming our way, lol. Chris Jones
This file will unzip to an exe. The exe will detect where SFC3 is on your hard drive and will place some new mp3 files into assets/sound of your game directory. What this mod does: 1. The
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