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Romulan Away Team

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-09-05 00:09:00
9 просмотров
dispatched to Federation system Auro. Tal\'Shiar - the Romulan Inteligence reports that on that planet there is hidden device called \'Cloak Demodulator\' capable of shutting down the cloaking device of any targeted ship. However it\'s still in prototype phase. Romulan Star Empire can not afford to ommit such threat. The aim of Romulans is to sent the away team onto planet surface, infiltrate the complex and blow up dubious device. RIS \'Eagle\' is just exiting from warp speed and it is about to meet her secret contact... Enjoy. MOVIE TIME: 14 mins and 33 secs MOVIE SIZE: 640x480, 24 bpp, 25 frames per second
Okay, this is really my last file. Here is the story: TOS era... Fictional event... Few light years from Romulan Neutral Zone... Federation space... Romulan Starship RIS \'Eagle\' has been
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