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Starfleet Command III
SFC3 Re-Balancing Mod Update (Part 2)

SFC3 Re-Balancing Mod Update (Part 2)

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-12-14 23:12:00
10 просмотров
Starships, I have balanced this data out along with how SFC3 runs to bring good balance to the game. 2. A lot of ships have had weapon hardpoint changes to better reflect the TNG universe and for better balance. 3. Though I didn't give shields to the Borg, you will fear them again. Though I couldn't fix the "Borg Cube Ram" problem people talk about, the "warp core rape" shouldn't be much of an issue anymore. 4. Weapons have also been rebalanced, with the reduction of the torp burst-fire in the upcoming SFC3 patch in mind. 5. The mod will be playable in singleplayer, multiplayer (if all players have the mod), or dynaverse (should someone wish to run it as a Dynaverse server). I would like to send a big thank you out to the following people for their help with this mod: Chris Jones, Andrew Ames, Ben Golsky, Chris McCallum and Stephen Pehrson for beta testing the mod and helping to make it better. And a special thank you to Rick W. Without you, Rick, this mod could never have been made. KNOWN ISSUES: -Combine this mod with other mods at your own risk!!! -The Valdore is WAY too big, but I'm not a modeller. Perhaps someone will make a smaller one. (?) -Any game-engine bugs will appear in this mod as well. For mod support, contact Capt. Ravenous at: capt-ravenous@shaw.ca
What this mod does: 1. ALL ships, stations, bases, shuttles, etc. have been balanced according to real data on TNG Trek starships and a good dose of common sense. Though no two sources agree on
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