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Amnesty - Light Cruiser

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-04-17 22:04:00
5 просмотров
amnesty. The amnesty class (light cruiser) ship marks a radical change in the Han philosophy towards space combat because it is the first class to have a Concealment-Wave Emitter Device standard (cloak). With the focus on stealth and evasion tactics a fast maneuverable design was beneficial. However amnesties have ALE (atmospheric landing and escape) capability, which allows them to be used as insertion/evacuation platforms. The only drawback of the amnesty design is its weak shielding as a trade-off for cargo space. The later durwan class (cruiser) was basically an amnesty with improved combat capability but no cargo hold. Despite its modest combat-worthiness, an amnesty's maneuverability is so effective that many Han Pirates prefer it to more powerful ships. First in its class FBT-01 Foxle. Engineered by Visimo.
Ship: Amnesty class (light cruiser) Version: 1.0 Race: Han Pirates Author: Visimo Date: 17apr03 After the loss of Gaiana and subsequent increase in military patrols, the Han's developed the
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