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The Truce of 1914

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-12-01 00:12:00
5 просмотров
trench to trech in each others language. Sadly the Last known member of the Christmas Truce passed away on Nov. 21st. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051121/od_nm/britain_ veteran_dc *TommyTrouble- Go post on the forums what spelling mistakes I had. I was kinda tired when I was putting in the subtitles. You spotted the horse but people missed the hidden prop i made. ANd yeah Football/soccer im going to have to figure that one out for the directors cut nearer to Christmas. hehe *Tarison- I just couldnt get the soccer/football reference in. the subtitles didnt do that part of the story justice. plus I call it soccer the English hate me, I call it Football and all them Americans call me dumb lol. *Beery1 - Yeah I know I have some historical inaccuracies, unfortunatly all the video ive seen of WWI I could have sworne I saw those style helmets. Rifle wise, I know... *sigh* And the uniforms and bundeling up for the weather, Honestly I dont know if you can put them in cold weather gear. *pendragon854 - I tried to get the Football matches in, I just couldnt figure out how to Get it in. I may do a directors cut of this movie and add those extras and Maybe if I can find a royalty free version of \"Stille Nacht\" Or if someone has a copy recorded that I can use I would defiantly put that in. *markusdragon - Well being in the US, If i call it soccer the rest of the world will hate me, if i call it Football all my American buddies will laugh at me. *And no, Im not ready to sing it yet, If i could sing it in german I would have. I need to learn. But I can sing, whats funy is if i sung no one would belive its the voice\'s ive done on these lol. *Ummm Hi Snuggs, yeah umm I am a n00b, I wanted to reupload it to get the thumbnail in. I keep forgetting. *Fedaredan - lol, dont worry, even if they get rid of it the stars stay with it. it happens. and it will all balance out over time as ive seen all my movies do. Mistakes happen. *Thank you to the Mrs. Williams singing Silent Night, and for the use of it* *reuploaded to get thumbnail in* Action, 2008 * Digital Stock, * Digital Recording, * Digital Camera, * Digital Sound Length 3 mins 33 secs
Ive always been facinated by the ceasefire of Christmas 1914. So heres a little movie I put together about it. Fact is that a lot of the Germans did speak english. Taunts were usualy thrown from
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