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[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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TrackMania Nations
crappy driver hidden danger

crappy driver hidden danger

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-04-16 00:04:00
12 просмотров
be jumping t the left then the right without warning. The first time I played I found it really confusing as where to go but then saw another track i could go along. I hope you all enjoy this track it has lots of features and is build up with loads of extra objecs to make it look more than just a track. Have fun [i]Authors Comments[/i] [quote] Crash, burn, learn and then race . This track has some sidejumps, wallrides, loops, the usual jumps & some roofdriving . In some parts the track is very fast and I believe the car reaches it top speed. The first part is harder and then it gets a bit easier... Well that summons it up I think. Bigger image Track images Intro: off loopcam: on replaycam: on Enjoy! edit: this is version 1.1 Created a bit more space in couple of corners and made a jump a smoother. This change cut's off about 2 seconds from the time. Which is good right? Because from what I've read and heard the best tracks are short, fast and last about a second, right? And I'm definately aiming for that time with this track! [/quote]
This track for me I found very hard, I spend around 20mins trying to complete it so if you like a hard one the this track is for you. The track is made up of jumps and distorted tracks so you wll
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