=============================================================================CTF-NoContest.ut2 Bombing Run for Unreal Tournament 2003(C)2002 Excelsiore===================================================================
================================================================Title : Niven Experimantal Labs][Version : 1.00Release Date : 01-Jan-2003Fixes : NoneFilename : ctf-niven2.zipAuth
CTF-(MP5)ShotgunGulch-DCSE and CTF-(NW)ShotgunGulch-DCSE are the same map with different weapons in them.CTF-(NW)ShotgunGulch-DCSE contains only the standard Epic weapons and is compliant with UTSecure and should run on any UT2003 CTF server.
CTF-MolagRuinsBy Tristan 'Giganerd' GriffithCompleted on 2-12-03To install, simply extract CTF-MolagRuins.ut2 to your ../UT2003/Maps folder.Here in the fiery hills of Molag stand what is left of a great fortress. Now split by
Valley Of Minocqua Two Towers stand facing each other in the cold darkness. Each stands over a bunker of mayhen and death. Do you have what it takes to survive the Valley of Minocqua. Zip contents: BR, CTF, DOM, versions of Valley o
=======================================================================Author: Josh Bolton aka OJData Released: 4-1-03Email: Theojdude@aol.comWebsite: http://www.anglefire.com/ky/JoshBolton/ithasbegun.html=========================