This level was designed with Excessive Overkill mod in mind; however, weapons are placed and included for other types of game play. Plays well with bots, this maps was mostly to learn to setup
Located deep within the bowels of a waste water processing plant. This is the last stop for the millions of gallons of processed in the plant above. AS this dangerous place is normally closed to all
This level was designed with Excessive Overkill mod in mind; however, weapons are placed and included for other types of game play. Plays well with bots, this maps was mostly to learn to setup
This is a beta version of a 4on4 version of DM-Compressed. Just added 1 floor on top of the first floor and some extra corridors, so that team tactics improve. The Double Damage room is less
A small valley full of weapons. There\'s a lot of rocks all around the map, some trees and some kind of walkway above the map attached to the rock walls. This map takes place at night and theres rain