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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2002-10-24 00:10:00
10 просмотров
=== ===================================== ===================================== One word: Excellent. This map has it all, good play and good looks which is rare these days. This map is a fast-paced Egyption style map and as the ReadME states, it recommends 2-4 players, and I agree. ------------------------------------- Texture Usage: NICELY done. Everything meshes so smoothly together. It's all so dynamicly put together, and it has VERY minimal misalignment, and since I know that misaligned textures are anything but avoidable I will give it what it absolutely deserves. Texture Usage: 9/10 ------------------------------------- Architecture: Excellent job here, too. Just about NOTHING gets in your way. And, I found that my FPS were really high! Nothing irrelevant was found, just smooth sailing. However, I found that some of the areas were too small, yet tolerable. Architecture: 8/10 ------------------------------------- Layout: Eh. This was faulty area, if you could call it that. I found myself getting lost often, although it's not a maze, it is with 4 bots. Layout: 8/10 ------------------------------------- Lighting: UHH! Good GOD! This is some of the best lighting I have ever seen! This is SO dynamic, and well made. When your outside, it feels like your outside. Not just that, but it's not just random lights added in different spots. If the creator needed a new light, they added a new light source (like a lamp, or torch), and it looked like it was actually coming from there! Satisfaction Guaranteed! Lighting: *10/10 ------------------------------------- Overall: Textures: 9/10 Architecture: 8/10 Layout: 8/10 Lighting:*10/10 Weapon Usage: 8/10 Total: 16/50 43 - Fantastic 0-5 Terrible 6-10 Very Poor 11-15 Poor 16-20 Mediocer 21-25 Bad 26-30 So-So 31-35 Okay 36-40 Good 41-45 Fantastic 46-49 Ownage 50-50 Syphir's Ownage ---------------------------------------
===================================== === A Map Review By :agent:Syphir === === DM-Aboleth === === Created By Matthias "Tronic" Dörflinger
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