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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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DM-Arena ][

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-10-10 00:10:00
17 просмотров
throughout each, with teleporters on all levels, taking you from each to each. There is also, in the center of the room, on the bottom floor, health, adren. and FOUR redeemers, hence the mention of carnage. The level itself looks great, is well lighted, textures all around are high quality and add to the feel of the map. The use of red and blue in this map is quite interesting, and appealing. Bots know this map quite well, although, at times, they will be prone to the stand and shoot technique, however, in this map, its a very effective technique, as you won't last any longer then you normally would. If there is one major point in this map that would be considered a downfall, it would have to be those very same teleporters on each level. The map itself isn't exactly spacious, and more often then you'd like, you'll find yourself strafing an enemy, about to make the kill, when you end up teleporting somewhere else completely, which takes away from the flow of the map. Despite that minor grip, this map is very well done, and great fun. Suggested match size is 1 vs 1, although, it's still fun to play in a 4 or 6 person deathmatch. --PhilPhoenix
First of all, it should be noted, this map is designed for your basic chaos/carnage/melee, quick and deadly. The map is a cone shaped room consisting of three levels, all the weapons scattered
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