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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2002-10-11 00:10:00
13 просмотров
scattered all about. Theres several passage ways in the floor that take you to the other side of the map, all in all, giving the ground floor a very quick feel to it, as its quite dark in some areas, which adds to the mood, and you never know what could be hiding just around that next corner. Beyond lies the clever part of the map. There are multiple levels, created by the box stackings, which you can fully ascend many different ways with clever use of the double jump, or you can just plain take one of the jump pads that are cleverly hidden about the level. This adds a whole sniping element to the map. Admittingly, however, jumping about can be a bit tedious at times, given that the map is overly dark in someplaces, but its not to large a gripe. Reddish brown dominates the map as the primary color used, it is after all a cargo hold, while blue lights reside above giving the map a gloomy feel. The bots know this map quite well, the pathing is very well done. I observed bots traverse all levels and passageways, sniping, etc. The recommended person count is somewhere from 4 to 6, however, I"d suggest more around 10, as any lower, and the map can sometimes become a game of cat and mouse. All in all, a very fun map, that is decievingly deep. Grab it while its hot. --PhilPhoenix
A desceptive small, not to mention dark map first, this map opens up to you after some playtime. The map consists of the ground floor, which is a maze of stacked boxes, with ammo/weapons/health
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