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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2002-10-09 00:10:00
13 просмотров
this map is only 50 percent done, theres bound to be some bugs. However, there aren't really that many. There a few lift bugs, where you'll get stuck in the lifts, or they won't go far enough, but seeing as many areas can be accessed from multiple points, this is hardly a bad thing at this point. Also, being as its not finished, the textures are a little bland, but not bad. In fact, the overall tone and design, architect. and such, give the level a very Deus Ex feel, which is a good thing in my eye. This map is obviously intended for an en-mass deathmatch, as it is quite spacious. Big enough for a private war in fact. This map could also be attributed as a sniper's friend type of map. There are plenty of places that make this map a prime sniping map, as well as plenty of closed in places which make deadly close quarters. The environment, considering, is also quite sparse, devoid of any nick-nacks, leaving some areas just open rooms. It should also be noted that there is practicaly no bot pathing, as bots will stand around and shoot, but not move much, which, at this point, makes this a multiplayer against humans only map for now. All this being said however, this map is still quite fun, and the architec. makes the map fun to navigate, plenty of places to hide, snipe, or get your freak on. Due to the sheer size of the map, I'd suggest a player load of at least 10, although a higher player count wouldn't hurt, it would only increase the fun. A good map, I'm looking forward to to authors finished version. --PhilPhoenix Click here to Enlarge [img]http://www.gamingfiles.com/screenshots/1/files/6322.jpg[/img]
It was said, by the author previously, that this map is still only 50 percent done when posted, so this in no way reflects his final work. That being said, here we go. Now, admittingly, being as
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