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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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DM-Sand King

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-10-18 00:10:00
14 просмотров
practice to make maps quickly since you don't have to spend any time in Maya or 3D studio to make static meshes. Well, forget about the time-saving aspects - even though creating the terrain design only took a day, going back and smoothing and tweaking it, adding antiportals to block scenery and pathing the bots took a LONG time so an all-terrain map isn't the great timesaver I figured it would be. After playing the map several times I noticed something else interesting: The map plays very much like a paintball battle, only with more powerful weapons. Also, after playing in team deathmatch mode I couldn't help but feel like I was in a fully 3D version of Starcraft, especially when using the minigun. The whole scene played out like many of the cutscenes in Starcraft, only realtime rendered now and fully interactive. :-) I don't know how well this map will play on slower systems; On my system it averages about 60 fps which is pretty good. Click here to Enlarge [img]http://www.gamingfiles.com/screenshots/1/files/6731.jpg[/img]
This map was started out as a "is this possible?" situation: It is possible to make a fun map that is only built of terrain polys and decolayers? I also wondered if this would become standard
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