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Red Orchestra 1.1 Full Installation

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-10-24 22:10:00
21 просмотр
I didn\'t care for this mod too much because of the weapon damage, which is extremely high - you can die from 1~2 hits with any weapon. I\'m not against the realism, but it doesn\'t make it very fun when you run around for 2 to 3 minutes and get waxed by some guy a mile away that you didn\'t even know was there. There\'s a few features in the game that are being planned but aren\'t implemented yet, including a much needed voice chat ability, and mutlipurpose vehicles. Both of which will be available following the release of UT2004. Fun seems to have taken a backseat to realism in this mod. There are no cross hairs for you to gauge your shots from, so you\'re always shooting from the hip. The only guy I was able to play as was a standard soldier, which came with grenades and a machine gun of sorts. The Iron Site aiming was atrotious, all it does is takes your normal view, puts an annoying iron site (your gun barrel, basically), and narrows your vision. There\'s no zooming or increased site range of any kind. Also, you don\'t get back up pistols, which I guess is okay sinse the corpses that litter the grounds leave plenty of ammo for the taking. But the classes you can play as don\'t offer much of a variety, and when servers strictly limit the variety, well, it\'s not much fun at all actually. It was frustrating navigating some maps, and mission objectives seemed vague and non-descript at times. Telling your opponents from teammates was difficult and team killing seemed common place. I\'d really like to see this mod be more like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, only better, it needs more functional classes, more weapon variety, and a tone down of the weapons... Anyway, if you havent\' t tried it yet, check it out, and post your comments!
Red Orchestra is a World War II mod. It has a completely revamped gaming system with fresh player models, weapons, game physics, sound, etc. It\'s realism is second to none. On a personal note,
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