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Unreal Tournament 2003
Official Releases
Unreal Tournament 2003 Windows Patch 2136

Unreal Tournament 2003 Windows Patch 2136

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-10-28 23:10:00
12 просмотров
supercedes the editor fixes that have been previously posted - applying those fixes to this patch will break the patch! This patch is completely network compatible with the retail version. Patched clients can connect to unpatched servers, and unpatched clients can connect to patched servers. This patch will overwrite your user.ini and ut2003.ini files, because it adds some important new properties to these configuration files. To use it with windows dedicated servers, rename it to ut2003-winpatch2136Release.zip, open and extract it to a temporary location with winzip, and copy the system directory (subdirectory of UT2003patch) into the system subdirectory of your server installation. We will be releasing an updated version of UDebugger and updated .uc files for mod developers shortly.[/quote]Update! (10-05-2002) If you are using the Maya plugin in Unreal Ed, you need to update the pluging to be compatible with this patch. [url="file.info?ID=7433"]Grab the update here[/url]
From Steven Polge (Epic Games):[quote]The UT2003 patch to version 2136 is now available. The version posted is for windows clients and servers. There will be a linux version shortly. This patch
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