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Dr Deemer

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-05-13 00:05:00
11 просмотров
Thanks to Ian Waugh and GFY Common for helping me figure that aspect out. The DrDeemer skin evolved from me just being curious about Upaint and dabbling with it. Originally I was set out to make a clan skin for my clan *XxELITExX* but as I learned more about how to use Upaint and added a face on it (Mine).. the skin just evolved into the DrDeemer character. So I armed him with the essential tools of battle that I use regularly. Being a father of 3 kids.. I have plenty of use for Cheerios, and Band-aids. I\'m also a smoker so having my nicotine fix while in battle became a nice luxury.. and to quench my thirst from fighting theres a few cans of MtDew (my fav). The DrDeemer skin works with team games (red+Blue) I hope you enjoy the skin.
This is my first skin. Basically I retextured the Romulus skin. It took about 8 hours to get it into final release quality. At least an hour or so was spent trying to get the team colors to work.
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